[ed. RVB BOOKS & Gato Negro Ediciones]
Continuous flow of photographs with subtle variations, repetitions or quotations #Ingrid, dictated by the raw material itself, refuse the voyeurisme that is incited by images of violence and exemplifies the use of the image as a weapon (against mediatization and corruption).
On February 9, 2020 in Mexico City, a 25-year-old woman named Ingrid E. V. was murdered by her companion. Grisly photographs of this femicide committed by Erik Francisco Robledo Rosas, taken at the scene of the crime by the authorities, were avidly circulated by Mexican tabloids, which had no qualms in plastering the young woman’s dismembered body across their front pages. This opportunistic move by the gutter press, and the complicity of the police in making it possible, sparked a wave of protests. Spurred by a tweet to do their part in ridding the internet of these gruesome images, social media users around the world posted numerous photos of peaceful lakes, sunsets, fields of flowers and other scenes of natural beauty under the hashtag #IngridEscamillaVargas. Moved by this collaborative effort, Zoé Aubry, who has been working on the systemic and structural phenomenon of femicides and the issues raised by their media coverage since 2017, has produced a book that pays homage to the memory of Ingrid Escamilla Vargas, denounces violence against womxn, and assails the voyeurism of a certain segment of the press.
These images are not addressed to us, but are present and diffused to make others disappear. The goal is to produce invisibility by addressing the flow and the algorithms. An image is always a deviation, a dissimilarity, an operation...an image therefore always contains absence.
Continuous flow of photographs with subtle variations, repetitions or quotations #Ingrid, dictated by the raw material itself, refuse the voyeurisme that is incited by images of violence and exemplifies the use of the image as a weapon (against mediatization and corruption).
On February 9, 2020 in Mexico City, a 25-year-old woman named Ingrid E. V. was murdered by her companion. Grisly photographs of this femicide committed by Erik Francisco Robledo Rosas, taken at the scene of the crime by the authorities, were avidly circulated by Mexican tabloids, which had no qualms in plastering the young woman’s dismembered body across their front pages. This opportunistic move by the gutter press, and the complicity of the police in making it possible, sparked a wave of protests. Spurred by a tweet to do their part in ridding the internet of these gruesome images, social media users around the world posted numerous photos of peaceful lakes, sunsets, fields of flowers and other scenes of natural beauty under the hashtag #IngridEscamillaVargas. Moved by this collaborative effort, Zoé Aubry, who has been working on the systemic and structural phenomenon of femicides and the issues raised by their media coverage since 2017, has produced a book that pays homage to the memory of Ingrid Escamilla Vargas, denounces violence against womxn, and assails the voyeurism of a certain segment of the press.
These images are not addressed to us, but are present and diffused to make others disappear. The goal is to produce invisibility by addressing the flow and the algorithms. An image is always a deviation, a dissimilarity, an operation...an image therefore always contains absence.
Shortlisted at Rencontres d’Arles AUTHOR BOOK AWARD 2023
The Most Beautiful Swiss Books of the year 2022 (awarded in 2023):
BOOK LAUNCH at Rencontres d’Arles 06.07, Librairie du Palais, 10 rue du Plan de la Cour, 14h-19h
Jungkunst 2022, Halle 53, Winterthur
Photoforum Pasquart during Bieler Fototage
#Ingrid, Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur, CH currated by Doris Gassert
Nicht nur schön · Laura Breitschmid & Jonas Wandeler
Permanent Beta Episode 83 ·
“For when the search for your Name, they will find Flowers” Doris Gassert
Tique · publication on contemporary art
The Best Photo Books from Les Rencontres d’Arles 2022, AnOther
How the Reaction to a Young Woman’s Murder Sparked Change in Mexico, Elephant.Art [Words by Kate Neave]
#Ingrid, une arme visuelle pour combattre les féminicides, Vertigo, RTS
Avec"#Ingrid", Zoé Aubry questionne la représentation médiatique d’un féminicide, RTS
Féminicide: quand l’image devient une arme numérique, Quotidien Jurassien
The Artist Talks by The Eyes — currated by Véronique Prugnaud, Paris Photo
« Photobooks about body, power and critical approach to feminism », with Tara Ulmann, Roxana Savin and Sarah Girard, Photobooks Switzerland, Photoforum Pasquart — currated by Anastasia Mityukova and Jana Johanna Haeckel
steal it, download it, print it, share it x comrades, put in on infokiosques!
Shortlisted at Rencontres d’Arles AUTHOR BOOK AWARD 2023
The Most Beautiful Swiss Books of the year 2022 (awarded in 2023):
Museo Villa dei Cedri — 4.9. – 7.10.2023
- Bibliothek Hauptpost, St-Gallen
BOOK LAUNCH at Rencontres d’Arles 06.07, Librairie du Palais, 10 rue du Plan de la Cour, 14h-19h
Jungkunst 2022, Halle 53, Winterthur
Photoforum Pasquart during Bieler Fototage
#Ingrid, Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur, CH currated by Doris Gassert
Nicht nur schön · Laura Breitschmid & Jonas Wandeler
Permanent Beta Episode 83 ·
“For when the search for your Name, they will find Flowers” Doris Gassert
Tique · publication on contemporary art
The Best Photo Books from Les Rencontres d’Arles 2022, AnOther
How the Reaction to a Young Woman’s Murder Sparked Change in Mexico, Elephant.Art [Words by Kate Neave]
#Ingrid, une arme visuelle pour combattre les féminicides, Vertigo, RTS
Avec"#Ingrid", Zoé Aubry questionne la représentation médiatique d’un féminicide, RTS
Féminicide: quand l’image devient une arme numérique, Quotidien Jurassien
The Artist Talks by The Eyes — currated by Véronique Prugnaud, Paris Photo
« Photobooks about body, power and critical approach to feminism », with Tara Ulmann, Roxana Savin and Sarah Girard, Photobooks Switzerland, Photoforum Pasquart — currated by Anastasia Mityukova and Jana Johanna Haeckel
steal it, download it, print it, share it x comrades, put in on infokiosques!